
ONAC of ICSAW Standards & Discipline

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ONAC of ICSAW is different than some churches in that we do not believe in “excommunication”, but in making efforts to reclaim and reunite with our members when they are out of compliance with our beliefs and our Code of Ethics.

When the efforts or actions of members become destructive towards other people or to the rights and spiritual well-being of other members, we issue a “Letter of Distrust” outlining the ways that hey are not in compliance with or honoring of our basic standards, the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct.

It also invites them to make changes and reparations to those they have offended or hurt which is similar to the Christian concept of repentance. If they choose to ignore this guidance and continue in negative behaviors, we will issue a “Letter of Probationary Status” which indicates that they are no longer under our protection and can not access ONAC of ICSAW resources or be vouched for as a member in good standing.

This places them in the position of not having protection for the use, possession or transport of sacraments and medicines and denies them entrance to most of our ceremonies if conducted by ONAC of ICSAW personnel.

This letter also invites them to return to integrity and fellowship. It is our desire that all people be afforded their God-given rights and one of those is agency –– the ability to choose our path. If a person chooses a path that takes them away from the truth and peace we off, we respect that choice. If they choose a path that seeks to destroy or damage the rights of others within our organization or deprive them of safety in following their conscience, we reserve the right to compel them legally to cease that type of destructive behavior.

*Updated December 2, 2017

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