Laura Espinoza Cuadras • Mexico

Laura Espinoza Cuadras • Mexico

Laura Espinoza Cuadras Mexico Laura Espinoza Cuadras was born in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico on May 14th, 1953. She’s 61 years old; a mother and a grandmother. She likes to read and travel, but above all she loves meeting people. Since she was 16 years old she has looked for answers about life and spirituality.…

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Juan Gabriel Apaza Lonasco • Spiritual Elder • Peru

Juan Gabriel Apaza Lonasco, Spiritual Elder • Peru

Juan Gabriel Apaza Lonasco Spiritual Elder • Peru Juan Gabriel Apaza Lonasco is a respected wisdom-keeper of the Q’ero Nation of Peru. Known as the last living descendants of the Inka bloodline, and the keepers of the coca wisdom, the Q’ero still follow the ancient traditions of their ancestors by paying hommage to the Mother…

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In Memory

Woableza • Grand Chief of ICSAW • Minnesota, United States

Woableza, Grand Chief of ICSAW

Woableza Grand Chief of ICSAW • Minnesota, United States Grand Chief Woableza (Wo-a-blay-za) is a Holyman and Wisdom Keeper of indigenous peoples. A Lakota/Dakota elder, whose spiritual name “Woableza” identifies him as “One who seeks the Knowledge of Life” or “One looking for Understanding.” He has traveled throughout the Americas for the past 37 years,…

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Alan Hicks – General Spokesman • Eastern Band Cherokee

Shiyo! Tsasuyeda. Hello Greetings my Dear Relatives:  I come to you with a peace offering and understanding that is filled with the strength and spirit of my ancestors. As a respectable tribal medicine elder, Vietnam Veteran (US Army) and sacred eternal firekeeper and on behalf of my Grandfather George G. Hicks, who was One of…

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